Stewart School, Bhubaneswar recently observed the 67th Independence Day in the School Assebly hall. The National Flag was hoisted by the Principal of the School , Dr. Rashmirekha Senapati and all the teachers and students present sang the National Anthem. Students spoke on the relevance of the day.
In a very colourful function organized on the occasion students starting from the tiny tots of play school to the children of class-IV presented wonderful programmes on the theme of patriotism and love for the motherland . The atmosphere was charged with the spirit of patriotism. An inter-house patriotic song competition was also organised among the students. Many students spoke extempore on the importance of the day.
The programmes of the day had been planned keeping in view the eroding sense of responsibility among the Indian youth towards their country. Modernity along with its many gifts undermines the sense of patriotism and love for our fellow-countrymen in the country. To promote these values among the students, song, dance and extempore competitions were organised by the school authorities. It was a day of celebration of freedom. a reminder of the sacrifices of our great leaders who had brought us the gift of liberty. It was a day of joy, fun and frolic. The Principal of the school personally supervised all the programmes and the teachers co-ordinated and conducted the programmes in co-operation with the school co-ordinator.